School & Nano

So you've decided that you're doing NaNoWriMo this year and devoting 30 days of your life to developing a novel. That is great. The only problem is that you are a full time student (and maybe even a part time employee on top of that). Along with the novel you are going to have papers, assignments, readings and exams to work through. I have talked to several people whose reasons for not doing Nano is "I want to have a high GPA" or "I have too much work to do". Here are two tips for those people (and anyone else who is in school):

1. Start doing small assignments now. If you are in a class that has small papers or articles due every few weeks go ahead and do the ones for the month of November. You'll feel incredibly accomplished now and have one less excuse for not working on your novel.

2.Get Prepared. This is completely related to the first tip but just look at what you have going on for the next month. Write it out in a calendar if you don't already have it compiled and see how packed it is going to be...then prepare. Get ahead in some work or take a few slow days for school and beef up your word count (ideally you should write 1,667 words a day but who says you can't triple that and not write for a couple days??)

These are the best tips that I have seen passed around and they are what I'm going to do in order to survive my senior year and still write a novel!

We are officially on a 7 day countdown so get ready!
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